
解放军标志数码版 Former BGSU总统 西德尼一. Ribeau (1995-2008) had a vision for the University—

西德尼ribeau使BGSU的学生在学生时代,在他们的专业和社区中,以校友的身份为社会做出有意义的贡献. 1997年,博士. 随着总统领导学院(PLA)的建立,里博的愿景成为现实。. 1998年秋天, 第一批致力于培养领导才能的学生被选入解放军. 2009年春天, 大学董事会为了纪念这位前校长的倡议,将该项目重新命名为悉尼大学. Ribeau President’s 领导 Academy.

今天,来自不同学科和地理位置的解放军学者努力维护. Ribeau的愿景. 解放军的课程设置旨在通过引人入胜的课堂培养他们的领导能力, 研讨会, 从实践经验中学习, and community 服务 activities. The curriculum follows a structured approach, 每年的经验都建立在前一年的经验基础上,以实现具体的目标成果.

此外,悉尼A. 里博总统领导学院是一个个人成长和支持的平台. It offers numerous opportunities for students to broaden their horizons and learn not only about leadership but also about culture, 人际关系, 和自我发现. The academy encourages its students to take on leadership roles across campus, 使他们能够与其他新兴校园领袖分享经验,培养终身学习技能.

悉尼A. 里博总统领导学院项目包含仆人式领导理论, 一种实用的哲学,强调首先为他人服务,然后作为一种将服务扩大到个人和机构的手段来领导. Servant-leadership fosters collaboration, 信任, 远见, 积极倾听, and the ethical use of power and empowerment. 仆人式领导可以是包容性的,可以担任正式的领导职务,也可以不担任正式的领导职务.

The PLA enrolls approximately 15-30 new students annually, resulting in a total of 100-120 students matriculating per year. 该计划的获奖者将获得可续期奖学金,涵盖州内教学(学费)和一般费用.

悉尼A号的任务. Ribeau President's 领导 Academy at BGSU is:

悉尼A. 里博总统领导学院(PLA)提供全面的领导课程,以仆人式领导的理想为基础. Through the development of a community of scholars, 学生有权成长和发展,因为他们抓住机会,最大限度地提高他们的学术成功,而在州立鲍灵格林大学.


In 1998, former BGSU president, Dr. 西德尼一. Ribeau为致力于发展领导力的BGSU学生创建了总统领导力学院. In 2009, 大学董事会为了纪念这位前校长的倡议,将该项目重新命名为悉尼大学. Ribeau President’s 领导 Academy (PLA).

解放军是一个为期四年的领导力发展项目,邀请学者参加课程, 研讨会, and 从实践经验中学习 and community 服务 activities. The curriculum focuses on specific outcomes, with each year’s experience building on those of the previous year.


完整性 is defined as leadership that is authentic, genuine, true and honest. 学者将展示个人和专业一致的伦理和道德行为.


服务被定义为无私奉献,在全球范围内产生积极影响. 学者 will demonstrate 服务 through concern, charity and action geared toward the well-being of others.




学习被定义为导致有效运用领导技能的个人和人际发展, 多元文化的能力, creative thinking and problem-solving, and overall academic success.


悉尼A. 博天堂官方网站(BGSU)的里博总统领导学院(PLA)致力于培养充满激情的领导者,使他们具备在社区和世界中发挥作用所必需的技能.


悉尼A. 里博总统领导学院(PLA)提供全面的领导课程,以仆人式领导的理想为基础. Through the development of a community of scholars, 学生有权成长和发展,因为他们抓住机会,最大限度地提高他们的学术成功,而在州立鲍灵格林大学.

庆祝25周年th 中国人民解放军建军节, a task force of scholars was assembled to design a concept for a new insignia. These scholars consisted of Yarin Mercer (2019 Cohort), Olivia Thorton (2020 Cohort), Lelaina Yannelli (2021 Cohort), 雅各布·爱尔兰(2021届), and Tahlia Ray (2022 Cohort). 这些学者要求现任学者和工作人员就新的徽章设计提供意见. 然后,市场营销和品牌战略办公室利用上述学者创造的概念执行了一项设计.

最新的徽章向其前辈致敬,同时融入了反映当今计划的独特元素. 25年后, the PLA continues to be a leading force of positive change on and off campus. 在徽章上,你可以看到一个指南针,象征着作为校园内外学者的向导. 另外, it serves as a reminder that the PLA community, 或“PLAmily," will offer unwavering support wherever our paths may lead. As the PLA culture continues to be one of care, the future of the program has never been brighter, 同时仍然致力于维护项目最初的价值观和传统.

PLA-Logo-Digital - (1)


原始的解放军徽章, created by the inaugural cohort, 不再符合大学的营销准则,需要更新符合大学准则的徽章.  In fall 2011, current PLA scholars were invited to create an updated PLA insignia. Five scholars volunteered to take part in this group to update the insignia. These scholars were: Danielle Dodd (2005 Cohort), 劳伦·珀迪(2009届), Victoria Recker (2009 Cohort), 大卫·沃尔特斯(2010年队列), and Kyle Jacob (2011 Cohort). During the process of redesigning the insignia, this committee sought input and guidance from current PLA scholars and PLA alumni.

悉尼A. 里博总统领导学院的徽章是由解放军学者合作设计的,以反映整个组织的价值观和愿景. The three spires pay homage to the original PLA insignia of a compass, while creating new symbolic re现在ation of a rising sun, re现在ing the role of leadership in the past, 现在, 和未来的. 成立年份, resting on the laurels of two crossed falcon feathers, 致敬解放军作为州立鲍灵格林大学的一个组织的历史, 还有我们的吉祥物, “猎鹰”. The insignia is then collectively encircled by the four core values of PLA; integrity, 服务, 信誉, 和学习. As scholars in the 西德尼一. 里博校长领导学院的这些核心价值观涵盖了我们作为校园和世界领导者所做的一切.


The first insignia of the 西德尼一. Ribeau President's 领导 Academy was developed by the inaugural cohort. It was a symbolic expression of the program's values, philosophy, mission and vision. 指南针使用了棕色和橙色,这是州立鲍灵格林大学的官方颜色. 在这个圆圈内是学院建立的基础:解放军领导价值观和州立鲍灵格林大学的核心价值观. The directional arrows (North, 南, East and West) denoted that, through the involvement of PLA scholars, 在总统领导学院的经历中,所强调的领导素质在各个方面都得到了体现——在校园里, in the Bowling Green community and in society at large.


Updated: 01/25/2024 12:51PM